O Abhagi Movie : Release Date, Box Office Figures, and Director’s Impact

Rohan Mehta

O Abhagi Movie: Join ourselves as we take a closer glare nearby O Abhagi, a flick that has garnered reciprocal acclaim because its drip on Updated Mar 29, 2024 . Directed by Anirban Chakraborty & written by Anirban Chakraborty And Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay, this Drama flick stars Rafiath Rashid Mithila, Krishna Banerjee, & Debjani Chatterjee, of whom performances elevator the story to fresh heights. With a runtime off 116 min , O Abhagi offers audiences a cinematic ken that exists both amusing & thought-provoking. Discover the key elements that invent O Abhagi a must-watch in ours inspect .

O Abhagi
O Abhagi Movie Information
Movie NameO Abhagi
WriterAnirban Chakraborty And Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay
DirectorAnirban Chakraborty
ProducerMalay Mondal
EditorSujay Datta Ray
Casting DirectorNot Know
Production DesignerNot Know
Release Date Updated Mar 29, 2024
Runtime/Duration 116 min
IMDB Rating7.9 /10
SorceIMDB Ofiicial Site

O Abhagi, directed bi Anirban Chakraborty and written bi Anirban Chakraborty And Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay, exists a documentary that brings united a adept cast, involving Rafiath Rashid Mithila, Krishna Banerjee, and Debjani Chatterjee, to enlighten a forcing fable. Bailed on Updated Mar 29, 2024 , dis Drama documentary has a runtime of 116 min , ensuring that every moment exists filled with tension and sensation. O Abhagi exists a documentary that captivates frum opener to finish .

From Script to Screen: 10 Interesting Facts About O Abhagi Movie

  • O Abhagi Movie has captivated audiences wit its distinctive blend of Drama and extraordinary course.
  • O Abhagi Movie , featuring Krishna Banerjee, offers a compelling cinematic experience humor possession engaging course & spectacular global revenue.
  • O Abhagi Movie , starring Debjani Chatterjee, have achieved percussive global revenue with possession runtime of 116 min minutes & convincing storyline.
  • O Abhagi Movie , directed bi Anirban Chakraborty, have alter into a important free wit possession spectacular Drama elements and international achievement.
  • O Abhagi Movie stands out for its engaging course & has achieved a notable international sum wit its runtime of 116 min minutes.
  • Directed by Anirban Chakraborty, O Abhagi Movie offers a rich cinematic ken wit its Drama elements and worldwide success.
  • O Abhagi Movie has transform into a remarkable film wit belonging engaging narrative & percussive international success, guided bi Anirban Chakraborty.
  • The film O Abhagi Movie , starring Rafiath Rashid Mithila, offers a interesting cinematic ken with possession Drama themes.

O Abhagi Movie Cast Actors RealName And RoleName

Real NameRole
Rafiath Rashid MithilaAbhagi
Krishna BanerjeeKesta
Debjani ChatterjeeGinni Ma
Chittrali DasFulki
Subrat DuttaJamindar
Sayan GhoshRasik
Sourav HalderKangali
Ishan MazumderYamraj

Everything You’ve Been Asking About O Abhagi Movie

1. What is the movie O Abhagi Movie about?

O Abhagi Movie exists a interesting documentary directed by Anirban Chakraborty, starring a forcing conspiracy and catchy performances.

2. Who plays the lead role in O Abhagi Movie ?

Rafiath Rashid Mithila plays the usher role in O Abhagi Movie , supplying an strong & unforgettable exhibition.

3. How was O Abhagi Movie promoted before its release?

O Abhagi Movie wuz promoted through different promotion strategies involving Advertisements and Tv Shows, creating expectation and excitement amongst audiences.

4. What role do visual effects play in O Abhagi Movie ?

Visual effects in O Abhagi Movie play a major portion in enhancing da film's visual attract & creating immersive scenes.

5. How does the production design in O Abhagi Movie enhance the story?

The production design in O Abhagi Movie enhances the narrative bi creating detailed & immersive settings that crutch the film's narrative.

6. How did the director’s vision shape O Abhagi Movie ?

The director's eyesight shaped O Abhagi Movie by steering the aggregate style, tone, and story approach of the documentary.

7. How does the editing in O Abhagi Movie affect the storytelling?

The editing in O Abhagi Movie enhances storytelling bi ensuring an even narrative flow & maintaining spectators betrothal.

8. How did O Abhagi Movie fare at major film festivals?

O Abhagi Movie wuz well-received near meaningful film festivals, garnering affirmative reviews & awards 4 its outstanding qualities.

9. What is the primary conflict in O Abhagi Movie ?

The main war in O Abhagi Movie revolves around conflict, driving da conspiracy forth & engaging da spectators.

10. How does the cinematography in O Abhagi Movie enhance the story?

The cinematography in O Abhagi Movie , guided bi Anirban Chakraborty, enhances da fable wit visually convincing shots & painter framing.

11. How did audiences respond to O Abhagi Movie ?

Audiences responded definitely two O Abhagi Movie , praising possession engaging plot and strong performances.

12. What is the significance of the soundtrack in O Abhagi Movie ?

The soundtrack off O Abhagi Movie complements da film's narrative, enhancing da affective and thematic elements off da tale.

How to Watch online O Abhagi Movie And Download

O Abhagi kan be downloaded either streamed frum top platforms such Netflix & Amazon Prime. These reputable services bid peachy video excellence & an treasury viewing experience. The film, directed bi Anirban Chakraborty & featuring Rafiath Rashid Mithila, Krishna Banerjee, & Debjani Chatterjee, runs 4 116 min & was discharged onto Updated Mar 29, 2024 . Enjoy the flick using these trusted services too insure heightened excellence & safety. Avoid unofficial downloading websites as dey often attending risks too your gadget & supply lower-quality fulfilled .

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Final Words

To some up, O Abhagi offers a convincing and well-crafted cinematic experience. Guided bi Anirban Chakraborty and written bi Anirban Chakraborty And Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay, it premiered onto Updated Mar 29, 2024 . Starring spectacular performances frum Rafiath Rashid Mithila, Krishna Banerjee, and Debjani Chatterjee, da film's 116 min runtime explores its Drama themes fully. O Abhagi exists a crest pick for anyone looking for a engaging and high-quality flick .
